On November 15, 2022, Clarivate Analytics, the world's leading professional information service provider, officially released the list of Highly Cited Chinese Researchers in 2022. Chun-Peng Song, a professor of Biology at Henan University, was on the list.
It is reported that the list was released by Clarivate Analytics (formerly the Intellectual Property and Science Business of Thomson Reuters), revealing scientists ranking top 1% in the citation of papers published in the ESI in certain fields over the past 10 years. In 2022, 6,938 scientists from 69 countries and regions were selected into the list, with a total of 1,169 from mainland China.
Using wheat, corn, cotton and the model plant Arabidopsis as research materials, Professor Chun-Peng Song’s team applies modern techniques and methods to study how crops perceive drought stress and the underlying molecular mechanism of stress signaling. His team also constructed the germplasm bank through genetic approaches such as distant hybridization, identified the stress-resistant germplasm resources of wheat, corn, cotton and other crops, and cultivated stress-resistant new crops with high-yield and high-quality. He published more than 150 papers in top international journals such as Nature Plants, Nature Communications and The Plant Cell. Ten representative papers were cited 1556 times by Science, Nature and other SCI journals, of which 7 representative papers were rated as the Top 1 % Highly Cited papers in ESI "Plant and Animal Science" category. He won the first prize of Natural Science Award from the Ministry of Education, the second prize of National Natural Science Award and the first prize of Henan Provincial Natural Science Award.