Over 40 alumni going to Taiwan to work by 1948. Soon afterwards, Henan University Alumni Association in Taiwan was created and an alumnus named Ge Fujiang, an assistant manager of a livestock production company, was elected the first president of the Association. By 1949, due to the change of political situation, there had been more than 300 alumni of Henan University going to work in Taiwan. The first meeting held by the Association in a temporary office of Supervision Institute in Nanyang Street, Taipei. At this meeting, Yu Zhenzhou, a committee member of the Institute, was unanimously elected the second president of the Association. Afterwards, the Association conducted a wider ranger of activities with increased number of participants.
The alumni cherish the cohesion of their alma mater and and the Chinese mainland. Cross strait exchanges have become increasingly frequent, and the alumni living in Taiwan frequently came back to visit Henan University, meanwhile, the alumni living in Mainland also paid a visit to Taiwan for an academic conference, which reflected close ties between alumni and their alma mater.
On Oct 30,2018, a dozen of alumni representatives attended an alumni association representative meeting, followed by a board of supervisors meeting. Zhang Zhengzhong, the fourth president of the Association, presided over the two meetings.
Qian Jiansong, nominated as a candidate for the Association Presidency by the new members of the council (the fifth council), was unanimously voted by the alumni representatives the Fifth President of Henan University Alumni Association in Taiwan, and Zhang Zhengzhong was elected Chairman of the Board of Supervisors.
The first president of Henan University Alumni Association in Taiwan:
Ge Fujiang, who graduated from College of Agriculture of Henan University in 1935.
The second president of Henan University Alumni Association in Taiwan:
Yu Zehnzhou, graduated from College of Law of Henan University in 1937.
The third president of Henan University Alumni Association in Taiwan:
Guan Shouyan, graduated from School of Science of National Henan University in 1946.
The fourth president of Henan University Alumni Association in Taiwan:
Zhang Zhengzhong, the son of Zhang Honglie who was a president of Henan Preparatory School for Studying in Europe and America (the precursor of Henan University) and Zhongzhou University.
The fifth council of Henan University Alumni Association in Taiwan:
Honorary President: Guan Shouyan
Chairman of the Board of the Supervisors: Zhang Zhengzhong
President: Qian Jiansong
Zhengzhou Campus: Mingli Street, Zhengzhou 450046, P. R. China
Minglun Campus: 85 Minglun Street, Kaifeng 475001, P. R. China
Jinming Campus: Jinming Avenue, Kaifeng 475001, P. R. China
Tel: +86-371-22857224
E-mail: news@henu.edu.cn