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The Confucius Classroom of New Energy Education Center in New York is officially open

On January 29, the Confucius Classroom of New Energy Education Center in New York was inaugurated in Long Island, New York, co-built by Henan University and the US New Energy Education Center. Nearly 100 guests attended the ceremony, including Zhongbo Yang and Qilun Qin, consuls of the Chinese Consulate General in New York, Anna Kaplan, senator of the State of New York, Yongqiang Lin, director of the Confucius Institute at the China Institute, and Xinfeng Jia, president of the Henan University Alumni Association of US. Professor Shenglei Fu, vice president of Henan University, delivered a video speech. The unveiling ceremony was presided over by Xinfeng Jia and Fangwei Liu, director of the US Health Tai Chi Qigong Association.

At the unveiling ceremony, Consul Zhongbo Yang delivered a speech. He wished that the Confucius Classroom of New Energy Education Center would integrate Tai Chi with Chinese language education, promote international Chinese education to help spread Chinese culture, and build a platform for cultural exchanges and people-to-people bonds for the youth of the two countries. He indicated that the Consulate General would give a full support to the sound development of the Confucius Classroom of New Energy Education Center.

Then Anna Kaplan gave a speech, in which she expressed her gratitude to the Sitan Tai Chi and Martial Arts and the New Energy Education Center for their outstanding contributions to the multiculturalism of the community over the years. She hoped that the Confucius Classroom of New Energy Education Center would develop smoothly and achieve greater success.

Shenglei Fu reviewed the development and achievements of Henan University since its founding 110 years ago. He hoped that Confucius Classroom of New Energy Education Center would hold the concept of "educating students with brilliant morality to lead them to a bright future” and make new progress in the development of Confucius Classroom. He promised that Henan University would fully support the development of the Confucius Classroom.

At the ceremony, Xiuhua Liu, dean of the International School for Chinese Language and Culture of Henan University, and Chengxin Zhao, Chinese director of the Confucius Classroom of New Energy Education Center, joined the meeting online and read congratulatory letters from the Education Department of Henan Province of Education and the China International Education Foundation respectively.

Professor Yongqiang Lin, the Chinese director of the Confucius Institute at the China Institute, and Zeren Da, an outstanding alumnus of Henan University, delivered speeches respectively to congratulate the establishment of the Confucius Classroom of New Energy Education Center in New York. Professor Xu Lin, the founder of the New Energy Education Center, read the congratulatory letters from the Wushu College of Henan University and the Silk Road Institute of Henan University.

Afterwards, the plaque for the Confucius Classroom of New Energy Education Center in New York was jointly unveiled by Consul Zhongbo Yang, Consul Qilun Qin, Anna Kaplan and Sitan Chen.

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