YAN Xiyun
YAN Xiyun was born in February 1957 and she is the academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, researcher of Institute of Biophysics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, doctoral tutor, deputy director of State Key Laboratory of Biomacromolecules, and secretary-general of Chinese Society of Biophysics. In 1993, she obtained a doctorate in medicine from Heidelberg University, Germany, and was elected as an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2015. She systematically studied new tumor targets that promised to have an important clinical application and realized the transformation of research results. She put forward a new concept of Nanoenzyme internationally, and revealed the enzymatic reaction kinetics and catalytic mechanism of inorganic nanomaterials from the perspective of enzymology for the first time, and the mechanism was then used for sewage treatment, tumor diagnosis and detection of Ebola and other viruses. Part of her research results has been patented by the United States, Europe and Japan. That research work of hers not only reveals the new characteristics of nanomaterials and expands their applications, but also provides new ideas and materials for the basic and applied research of simulated enzymes. After her original paper was published in 2007, it was cited more than 750 times, and her research results were verified by international peers and ended up opening up a new field of research and application of Nanoenzymes. She won the second prize of National Natural Science Award.