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HENU hosts IEEE DDCLS’24 in Kaifeng

The 2024 IEEE 13th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS’24) was held in Kaifeng from May 17th to 19th.

Professor Jing Wang from North China University of Technology presided over the opening ceremony. Professor Lixin Zhang, Vice President of Henan University (HENU), delivered a welcoming address, briefly introducing HENU and emphasizing the significance of data-driven control and learning systems and expressed his hope that the conference would inspire new perspectives and ideas among the participants.

Professor Zhongsheng Hou, the conference chair, then delivered his opening remarks. He reviewed the history and achievements of the special committee meetings, highlighting the importance of data-driven control theory and learning methods.

The conference featured three distinguished keynote speakers: Professor Donghua Zhou from Shandong University of Science and Technology, Professor Yang Shi from the University of Victoria, Canada, Professor Claudio De Persis from the University of Groningen, Netherlands. Their presentations covered a wide range of topics, including data-driven control, adaptive learning, and optimal control.

The conference also included distinguished lectures by renowned scholars, such as Professor Yilin Mo from Tsinghua University and Professor Jian Sun from Beijing Institute of Technology, offering diverse formats for knowledge exchange. In addition, the conference featured 42 parallel sessions across seven tracks, where young scholars from various universities presented their research and engaged in lively discussions.

The conference recognized six outstanding papers and presented a Best Student Paper Award. Professor Ligang Zhang, Vice President of HENU, presented the awards at the closing ceremony.

The conference successfully provided a platform for academics and engineers in the field of data-driven control, learning, and optimization to exchange ideas and showcase the latest advancements in data-driven control theory, methodology, and applications. The event attracted over 1,000 participants from around the globe and received 461 paper submissions.

Building upon the success of this conference, the School of Artificial Intelligence at HENU aims to continue hosting top-tier academic conferences, both domestically and internationally, to strengthen academic exchange, promote disciplinary development and international collaboration, and ultimately, drive the high-quality development of the school.

Zhengzhou Campus: Mingli Street, Zhengzhou 450046, P. R. China
Minglun Campus: 85 Minglun Street, Kaifeng 475001, P. R. China
Jinming Campus: Jinming Avenue, Kaifeng 475001, P. R. China
Tel: +86-371-22857224