Anniversary Snapahots

Prof. Li Liang: A refinement of Gorenstein flat dimension via the flat-cotorsion theory

2022-07-08  Click Count:[]

Topic: A refinement of Gorenstein flat dimension via the flat-cotorsion theory

Speaker: Prof. Li Liang, Lanzhou Jiaotong University

Time: 10:00, July 8th, 2022

Tencent meeting ID: 989-791-783, Password: 123456

Sponsor: School of Mathematics and Statistics, HENU

Report summary: In this talk, I will introduce a refinement of the Gorenstein flat dimension over an associative ring and show that it, unlike the Gorenstein flat dimension, behaves as one expects of a homological dimension without extra assumptions on the ring. Some applications to unbounded homology and virtually Gorenstein rings will be given.

Profile: Li Liang is a professor of the Department of Mathematics, Lanzhou Jiaotong University. He is mainly engaged in the research of homology algebra and representation theory, published many papers in mathematical magazines such as TAMs, Israel, JA, JPAA, and presided over and completed a number of national, provincial and ministerial funds.

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