Anniversary Snapahots

Prof. Tianhai Tian: Effective methods for inferring parameters in stochastic models

2022-07-07  Click Count:[]

Topic: Effective methods for inferring parameters in stochastic models

Speaker: Prof. Tianhai Tian(田天海), Monash University, Australia

Time: 9:00-12:30, July 7th, 2022

Tencent meeting ID: 829-945-951, Password: 987456

SponsorSchool of Mathematics and Statistics, HENU

Report summary: In this talk, we will discuss effective methods for inferring unknown parameters in stochastic models. We will first discuss the measures for quantifying the difference between stochastic simulations and experimental data. Then we will discuss early-rejection methods for improving the efficiency of inference methods.

Profile: Tianhai Tian received his PhD in Computational Mathematics in 2001 from the University of Queensland in Australia. He was a research fellow at the same University after submitting his PhD thesis. He obtained the Australian Research Fellowship from the Australian Research Council (ARC) in 2006 and then studied computational biology at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience in Queensland. He joined the University of Glasgow in Scotland as a Lord Kelvin Fellow in 2007 and became a Reader in 2009. In 2011 he returned to Australia and now is an associate professor and ARC Future Fellow at the School of Mathematical Sciences, Monash University.

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