


Online Lecture: Lorenzo Bartolini: Holographic QCD and Skyrmions

Lecturer:Lorenzo Bartolini,PhD, University of Pisa, Italy

Date:October 22, 16:00

Online Platform:ZOOM

ID: 210 089 8623

Password: 123456

Organizer: School of Mathmatics and Statistics

All are invited!

Abstract: The holographic duality (also known as Gauge/String duality) has proven to be a powerful tool to obtain qualitative and often quantitative insights on the physics of strongly coupled systems. In this talk we review the top-down holographic model of QCD developed by Sakai and Sugimoto (after introducing some basic facts about string theory and QCD) with particular attention to the description of baryons and its ties to the concept of the baryon as a topological soliton. Then we show some recent results we obtained within the model: as a first step we show how a generalized Skyrme model is contained as a low energy limit of the Sakai-Sugimoto model, then we proceed to use the full model with an additional 𝜃-term perturbation to compute the deformation of the baryons and the electric dipole moment it induces for the proton and the neutron (and as a result, for the deuteron). Finally, we provide a short overview of the current research areas on which we are employing the holographic approach and discuss their future directions.

Lorenzo Bartolini has received his PhD in theoretical physics at Pisa University in 2020 and has been a postdoctoral researcher at Vienna Technical University in 2020 with an Angelo della Riccia scholarship. Lorenzo has studied various aspects of the Sakai-Sugimoto model and is an expert on calculating the electric dipole moments in holography and Skyrme-type theories. Lorenzo has published 1 Phys.Rev.Lett, 1 JHEP and 2 Phys.Rev.D papers during his PhD studies.

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