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The 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Physics Discipline of HENU & the Innovation and Development Conference is held

On October 14, the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Physics Discipline of Henan University & the Innovation and Development Conference was held in Jinming Campus, where guests, alumni, teacher and student representatives gathered together.

The Conference was attended by Academician Kai Chang at the Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Researcher Jinmin Yang at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Researcher Feng Li at the Institute of Metal Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Guozhen Shen at Beijing Institute of Technology, Professor Lin Gu at Tsinghua University, as well as experts and scholars from universities, research institutes and enterprises, and alumni representatives. The Conference also invited Keping Lu, secretary of the Party Committee of Henan University (HENU), Junjian Sun, vice president of HENU, to attend. The Conference was chaired by Hui Zhang, secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Physics and Electronics and the School of Future Technology.

At the Conference, Keping Lu said that the discipline of Physics in HENU keeps focusing on international cutting-edge needs and promoting applied research and technological development, providing strong support for major national strategic needs and regional economic and social development. The the discipline of Physics in HENU shall be aware of responsibility and mission, and engage in the practice of “Double First-class” and “Dual Aircraft Carriers” initiatives to accelerate the leap-forward high-quality development of HENU.

Later, Keping Lu inaugurated the Institute of Future Technology (Quantum Information), accompanied by warm applause.

Kai Chang expressed warm congratulations on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the physics discipline in HENU. He expressed his wish that the personnel engaging in the discipline of Physics in HENU would continue to make more brilliant achievements in the future. Academician Liquan Chen at the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academician Yue Hao of Xidian University, and Ivan P. Parkin, a professor at University College London and an academician of the European Academy of Sciences, delivered speeches online. They agreed that the discipline of Physics in HENU has made great achievements in teaching and scientific research in recent years. It is hoped that the personnel engaging in the discipline of Physics in HENU would strengthen cooperation with high-level universities and scientific research institutions at home and abroad to make new progress in physics.

Professor Gang Chen, the dean of the School of Physics of Zhengzhou University, sent his blessings to the development of the physics discipline of HENU on behalf of the brother colleges. Alumni Chongxing Yue and Xiangwei Chen looked back on their studies and unforgettable memories at their alma mater. They encouraged their junior fellow students to persist in self-improvement and innovation and wished the physics discipline of HENU a brilliant future.

Junjian Sun expressed his heartfelt thanks to the guests and alumni on behalf of HENU. He put forward four opinions. The first is to take multiple measures to cultivate talents to contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The second is to concentrate all efforts on strengthening discipline construction. The third is to adopt both introduction and education to build a strong teaching team. The fourth is to continuously strive for self-improvement, and inherit and carry forward the spirit of HENU.

Following the Conference was the unveiling ceremony of the bronze statue of Mr. Ziqiang Zhu, a representative of the Physics Discipline of HENU. The unveiling ceremony was held in the square between Building A and Building B. At the ceremony, Professor Chunpeng Song, former president of HENU and director of the State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Adaptation and Improvement, Professor Xiangwei Chen, Professor Chongxing Yue, and Professor Junjian Sun, as well as representatives of teachers and students of the Colleges and Schools unveiled the bronze statue. Professor Chunpeng Song introduced Ziqiang Zhu’s life story and outstanding contributions. Xiuru Li, Ziqiang Zhu’s wife, expressed her heartfelt thanks to HENU.

From the October 13 to 15, the School of Physics and Electronics held a number of academic seminars on basic physics, interdisciplinary subjects, and energy physics. It also organized the Seminar on the Construction and Development of Physics Discipline and alumni forums.

Zhengzhou Campus: Mingli Street, Zhengzhou 450046, P. R. China
Minglun Campus: 85 Minglun Street, Kaifeng 475001, P. R. China
Jinming Campus: Jinming Avenue, Kaifeng 475001, P. R. China
Tel: +86-371-22857224