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The Secretariat of the Regional and National Research Alliance of Universities in Henan Province settles in HENU

From September 20 to 21, the first Central Forum on Educational Opening-up & the Seminar themed “The Opening-up of Education and the Exploration of Education Power” was held in Zhengzhou. The opening ceremony invited Junjian Sun, vice president of HENU, and his entourage to attend.

At the opening ceremony, the founding ceremony of the Henan Provincial Education Opening-up Alliance was held. Hengzhen Xu, president of the Henan Education Association for International Exchange, awarded the licenses to 5 education alliances, including the Henan Provincial University Alliance for Studying in China, the Regional and National Research Alliance of Henan Province Universities, and the Henan Provincial University Alliance for Overseas Education. He then delivered a speech and emphasized that each alliance should perfect its organizational structure as soon as possible; the initiating unit should be responsible for safeguarding the alliances; the Secretariat should make clear its responsibilities to contribute to the opening-up of Henan’s education and the construction of Henan as a powerful education province.

Junjian Sun accepted the license of the Regional and National Research Alliance of Henan Province Universities. He promised that HENU would best serve Henan’s opening-up strategy, strengthen school-level connection and cooperation among institutions in the Alliance, and promote the development of the Regional and National Research Alliance in Henan.

The Regional and National Research Alliance of Henan Province Universities was sponsored by HENU and co-sponsored by Zhengzhou University and many other universities in Henan Province, with the Secretariat located at HENU. The Alliance was established to integrate resources and promote the collaborative development of universities in Henan Province in the field of regional and national research.

Zhengzhou Campus: Mingli Street, Zhengzhou 450046, P. R. China
Minglun Campus: 85 Minglun Street, Kaifeng 475001, P. R. China
Jinming Campus: Jinming Avenue, Kaifeng 475001, P. R. China
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