Anniversary Snapahots

Prof. Zhaoyong HUANG: The Derived and Extension Dimensions of Abelian Categories

2022-07-02  Click Count:[]

Speaker: Prof. Zhaoyong HUANG, Nanjing University

Time: 10:00 AM, July 2rd, 2022
Tencent meeting ID: 551-743-168, Password: 123456

Sponsor: School of mathematics and statistics, HENU

Report summary: For  an  abelian  category \mathcalA,  we  establish  the relation  between  its  derived  and  extension  dimensions.  Then  for  an artin algebra $\Lambda$, we give the upper bounds  of  the  extension  dimension  of  $\Lambda$  in  terms  of  the radical  layer  length of  $\Lambda$  and  certain  relative  projective  (or injective) dimension of some simple $\Lambda$-modules, from which some new upper bounds of the derived dimension of $\Lambda$ are induced. This is a joint work with Junling Zheng.

Profile: Zhaoyong Huang is a professor and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University. He has won the second prize of the Science and Technology Award of Chinese Universities, and the Outstanding Achievement Award of Jiangsu Mathematics Association. He has published more than 100 papers in SCI-indexed journals such as J. Algebra and J. Pure Appl. Algebra.


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